Saturday, 4 April 2015

When Boots do 3 for 2...

Ah, the Boots 3 for 2 offer - a.k.a my sworn enemy. I always end up having to pick up something. 
I guess it wasn't all bad since I finally got my hands on the Bourjois Silk Edition Powder (£9.99). I'd been after this powder for months and nowhere seemed to actually stock it on the stands - what a 'mare! Thankfully, they had it online and I managed to pick it up from there. I use the Shade 52 Vanille and so far, it's been a dream to have in my makeup collection.
Secondly, I added another much sought-after item to my basket (and again, one that I couldn't seem to find in any of my local stores) and that's the Revlon Matte Balm in Sultry (£7.99). I fell in love with this colour when I saw it on a friend and from that moment on I had to have it - but I could never get my hands on it. It's a love dusky, Kylie Jenner-esque mauve. 
For my third, final and free thing I thought I'd make use of Sleek. I love Sleek but never really shop their stand much, mostly because it's always surrounded by people or they have nothing on the actual counter - annoying. Their True Colour Lipstick in Dare (£4.99) is stunning. I love the dark, reddish colour and it lasts for ages. I may just have to pick up more from the range. 

Like most people, I can never seem to resist a Boots' 3 for 2 - if only they did it all the time...



  1. Boots 3 for 2 is so lethal, especially if I see four things I like, I can never help getting six :P

  2. Great picks, I'm trying to stay as far away from Boots as I can as I did so much damage in the last 3 for 2, it's a deadly offer ;-).

    alice x | beautybyalicee | bloglovin'

  3. I love Boots 3 for 2, I always end up spending so much money though! I really want to try that matte balm, it looks like a really pretty shade :) x

    Jordan Alice

  4. We don't have any sort of deal like that in Canada, so I always take advantage of the 3 for 2 when I'm in the UK! I LOVE it! Everything you picked up looks really lovely, and the Bourjois powder sounds just fab!
    Ivory Avenue

    1. Consider yourself lucky ha! thanks for reading! xo

  5. I have the same Sleek lip colour - I need to dig it out again as it's such a lovely shade :) xx

    Magpie Jasmine | Zoeva Brush Set Giveaway

  6. Great choice! What do you think of Bourjois Silk Edition Powder is it two powdery on the skin and visible on the sun?

    1. I wouldn't say so! It's very similar to the Healthy Balance powder! feels very light xo


I read through all comments and reply as quickly as I can! so make sure to check back! :)