Saturday 28 March 2015

A Benefit Dupe for under £3?

Now I'll start by saying where did Essence even come from? I feel like they've just suddenly popped out of the woodwork and are now everywhere. I hadn't actually tried anything from them until I was browsing their counter in Wilko's the other day actually looking for a lipstick. They didn't have any of the lipstick that I wanted but I did see this...
Yes, it looks very similar to a certain high end counterpart and the product inside is similar too in terms of tiny fibres that help make your brows look fuller - one big difference, however, is the price tag. 
The Essence version cashes in at £2.50 - pretty darn reasonable I'd say, whilst the Benefit version cashes in at £17.50. I can't compare it fairly to the Benefit one as I don't actually own it (I've got more important things to spend £20 on than a bloody eyebrow gel) however, I like this one enough that I'll definitely be getting some good mileage out of it. 
The colour match is great (I use the lightest shade) and it fills in my brows enough for a day to day basis, but I also like to use it as a setting gel if I've filled in my brows with a powder or pencil.
I think it's definitely worth the £2.50 price tag - it makes it almost impossible justifying spending just under £20 on the high end counterpart. 



  1. Essence have some real gem, for that price I will definitely be checking this one out - thanks for sharing :) xx

    Magpie Jasmine

  2. Really? I've never heard of this before. Great!! Thanks for sharing this :D

  3. Great find, love the sound of this, I noticed they sell Essence in my local Wilko so I will definitely keep my eyes peeled for this product.

    alice x | beautybyalicee | bloglovin'

  4. I like my L'Oreal brow gel better then the Benefit gimme brow, but this Essence one is even cheaper, I have to try it!

  5. I'd definitely recommend giving it a go! xo


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