Sunday, 29 March 2015

March Favourites.

What's worrying is by the time I write next month's favourites I'll have turned 22 - where does the time go?!
This year is flying by way too fast for my liking and I've got so much to do - especially come Summer! ARGH!
Anyway, enough of my rant and onto my March Favourites.

First up has been the Loreal Infallible 24hr Matte Foundation (£6.99). I've really gotten along with this product in recent weeks and it's been my go-to as far as bases go. It's a decent enough colour match (though I am thinking of picking up 10 Porcelain as well) and I've never had a foundation actually keep my face matte for as long as this one does. I love it and it's not even that expensive. 
Of course Makeup Revolution would make it into my monthly favourites - and a Happy 1st Birthday to them too - it seems I can't go a favourites post without including something from them. This month I've obviously been loving their Viper Mascara (£3.00) - excellent at adding volume, separation and length whilst maintaining a curl. Their One Blush Stick in Matte Malibu (£5.00) has been my contour colour choice recently - blends well, creates a lovely definition and works on even pale skintones.
Next up is probably a strange choice for a monthly favourite but my Hair Donut (£1.99) has been a saviour this month. I don't usually wear my hair up often but my roots have gotten so bad recently that I've been left with no choice but to shove it up into a bobble. They've been a godsend at making my hair look half decent on not-so-decent days. Praise the Lord I'm getting my hair done on Wednesday. 
Last - but by no means least - has been my T.V. (or Netflix) favourite and that's obviously Pretty Little Liars. Apologies if you follow me on twitter (if you don't, you should) since that's all I've been tweeting about recently - I've just found out who -A is and I was full on freaking out. I have major love for this show and I highly recommend it if you're looking for something new to watch - and my girl crush is Ashley Benson so you know...

Join me next month in celebrating my 22nd birthday - though no doubt I'll do a separate post for that. 

Thanks for reading.



  1. I want to try the Matte Malibu Blush Stick so badly, I went to order last night and its out of stock, ahhh! Fingers crossed that it is back soon. Fab favourites by the way, very intrigued by the mascara.

    alice x | beautybyalicee | bloglovin'

    1. Oh no! Makeup Rev are usually quick at getting stock back in though so yeah, fingers crossed! xo

  2. I have been trying the L'Oreal foundation but really can't seem to get on with it :( I have seen you mention the Viper Mascara a few times, i really should pick it up as you make it sound amazing! x
    Emma | Emmys Blog

    1. I've found it is a bit of a marmite product! I LOVE the mascara! it's brill! xo

  3. I'm on season 3 of PLL and currently watching 6 hours a day, favourite show ever!! x
    Hannah | Heyitshannaah

  4. Haha, by the time I write my next month's favourites, I'll be 23! The L'Oreal foundation sounds really lovely: I think I might have to track that down. I'm always on the lookout for a new foundation, especially if it's matte!
    Ivory Avenue

    1. I absolutely adore it! I hope you do too! xo

  5. Happy early birthday! I love a short and to the point monthly favorites post lol

    1. Thanks so much! and thanks for reading! :) xo


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