Friday, 12 June 2015

The Ebay Brush Edit.

As much as I love buying new makeup, something that excites me even more is buying new makeup brushes.
I love makeup brushes. 
However, they can be quite expensive to buy - especially high end ones. 
My makeup brush collection mostly consists of Real Techniques - thanks Sam & Nic for making affordable brushes without skimping on the quality. I'd truly recommend them to anyone who's looking to start building on their brushes. As far as drugstore goes, they can't be beaten. 
But I may have found a different answer - Ebay.
Ebay is great for buying and selling and pretty much anything you'll ever want/need you could probably find on there - including some pretty good quality makeup brushes.

My first foray into Ebay brushes came in the form of the Jessup 8 set. 8 amazing quality brushes for under £10 that are super soft, wash well and don't shed. I didn't hold out much hope for them because they cost so little - I'm still pleasantly surprised they're still going.
My second purchase came in the form of the MAC 187 dupe. Now I call it a dupe because they didn't advertise it as a MAC knock-off on Ebay - it does say MAC 187 on the handle and I've compared it to an original and the resemblance is uncanny. Another amazing quality brush (I've linked a similar one as the one I bought originally no longer seems to be available - I'm not sure if it says MAC 187 on the handle). 
I'm always in need of a good blending brush and this Blending Brush is so good I picked up a couple of them - who can complain for 99p?!
This one's incredibly soft and, again, washes well. Plus it blends out shadows beautifully.
A new addition to my Ebay brush collection is the MAC 163 dupe - I say dupe again because it wasn't advertised as a MAC knock-off. I've yet to use it for contour (which is what I bought it for) but the hairs on it are super soft and I have every faith it'll wash just as well as any others I've picked up. I'm really excited to give it a whirl. 
Last up is another new addition and that is a knock-off of the NARS Kabuki Artisan Brush. Even though they don't advertise it as a NARS knock-off it's clearly obvious that's what it's meant to be. I loved the look of the NARS brush but I wasn't willing to shell out £43.00 for it - I mean I can spend that on a weekly food shop. I managed to find this copy on Ebay and it works beautifully for powder.

When it comes down to finding a good bargain, it really is worth trawling the internet. I 100% recommend any of the brushes I've talked about in this post as they all work great for a fraction of the price of their high-end counterparts. 



  1. Ebay is amazing for makeup brushes, i recently ordered quite a few and can't wait to use them x
    Emma | Emmys Beauty Cave

  2. I got the 15pc set from Jessup on eBay and can't get enough. They're such good value for money! (: x

    Alana | Life, Love And Lipstick

  3. I didn't realise how many brush dupes there were out there - will definitely have to scout eBay :) xx

    Jasmine Talks Beauty

    1. I love searching ebay for beauty bargains! Xo

  4. I can't believe how cheap eBay makeup brushes are! Ebay never disappoints!
    Rachel Coco

  5. great post, I always find makeup brushes so expensive but I've never thought of checking eBay for them! Will definitely be having a look. would love if you could check out my latest fashion post? :)

    The Fashion Road

    1. Mine are great! I'll be sure to do that! Xo


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