Sunday, 9 November 2014

Current Netflix Picks.

I am a Netflix fiend. 
Whenever I'm home, you can guarantee I'll be watching something or it'll be on in the background whilst I work. I can spend hours just watching suggestion after suggestion after suggestion and before I know it, I've watched like 8/9 films in one sitting. 
I love Netflix for it's convenience. I spend alot of time on my laptop and it's handy to have something that can keep me entertained whilst I'm working - I usually stick on The Inbetweeners or Prison Break and just listen to it, I've watched both so many times I can just see it in my head if I'm listening to the dialogue. 
Recently it's added some pretty awesome stuff and I thought I'd share my top 4 Netflix watches of the moment since it's all I'm going to be doing for the rest of my day.

American Horror Story:Coven - You guys could probably smell this coming a mile off. I love it. I'm still not sure if I'm ready to call it my favourite season since I enjoyed the first one so much, but I just can't stop watching it. The fashion is just...en pointe - see this post here.
I have huge love for Jessica Lange and Taissa Farmiga - anything with those two in it is just...perf.

Overboard - Favourite film of all time. Overboard is a classic romcom with Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn and we all know how much I love Goldie. She plays a spoiled heiress who ends up falling overboard from her yacht and loses her memory - Kurt Russell plays the carpenter who tricks her into thinking she's his wife to get revenge for an unpaid job. It's brilliant and magical and I love it.

Hercules - A Disney classic that's seriously underrated. It has amazing songs and is just downright enjoyable. One of my favourite Disney movies ever and I'll never hear a bad word against it. Also, the Gospel singers throughout have so much sass I can't even.

Cleaner - This is a more recent discovery on Netflix and, you guessed it, it came up as a suggestion. Samuel L. Jackson owns a clean-up company that specialises in crime scenes. He's called to a job one day at a wealthy residence after a shooting, but soon realises he's removed vital evidence of a criminal cover up. It's enthralling and I didn't think I'd enjoy it as much as I did - and I definitely didn't see the end coming. 

My apologies for not posting these past two days, I've literally been busy from getting up to going to bed with work, errands and a friend's boxing match. I'm now going to take a well deserved bath and maybe order a pizza. 
Have a happy Sunday.



  1. I've got about 2 episodes of AHS Coven left and I've been loving it! Its definitely my favourite season so far. Hercules is such a classic, I love the music.
    sammy xx

  2. oh my god I watched Hercules for the first time in years the other night, absolutely buzzing singing the gospel songs!! haha xx

    1. it's a classic mate!! well underrated! xo


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