Sunday, 2 November 2014

5 things The Inbetweeners has taught me.

Let's face it, if you're reading this and you're British you're pretty much guaranteed to have watched The Inbetweeners at some point. It follows Simon, Neil, Jay and Will on their adolescent journeys of beer, school, girls and sex. It's crude in places and it does contain quite a bit of profanity - but it's absolutely hysterical. No matter how many times I watch it, it will still manage to make me chuckle.
As big a laugh as it is - and considering how many times I've actually watched it - I have managed to pick up some life lessons along the way. Here's 5 things that The Inbetweeners has taught me. 

1. Sarcasm IS the answer to everything.
I've got to say, my sarcasm usage in everyday life has gotten so out of control that people genuinely don't know if I'm being serious or not. As funny as it is from where I'm standing, others don't always find it so. These guys - especially Will - have taught me to ignore the haters and go on with my bad self. Sarcasm is the way forward. 

Jay: It's a sense of freedom you don't get with other holidays.
Will: It's a sense of shitting in a bucket in a cupboard you don't get with other England...with your parents.

2. It's ok to make fun of your mates - as long as it's in jest.
We've all done it. We've took the mickey out of friends because of how they sound, what they're wearing or something they've said. It's normal. I do it all the time - but my mates are fully aware I am joking. The lads constantly ridicule each other because that's just what's acceptable in their friendship group - and they all take it on the chin anyway.

Simon: What should I text back?
Jay: Spread 'em, I'll be there in 30 minutes.
Will: Or, 'so lovely to hear from you, it'll be a pleasure meeting up'.
Jay: P.S. I'm a puffder.

3. Always be there for your mates.
It's important to be a good friend to all your mates. Be there when they need you and do what you can to help them. Like when Will dumped Neil, Simon and Jay for Charlotte Hinchcliffe and she broke his heart...Jay and Simon still went knocking for him afterwards asking did he want to go and make fun of Neil on his date. 

*After Jay gets dumped by his girlfriend*
Neil: Come on mate, we'll get you some chips.

4. Be open to new people - they may become a friend for life.
I can't tell you how many times a chance conversation between me and someone else has turned into a really mint friendship. It's a good feeling to meet someone who shares the same interests and/or has similar personality traits to you. Simon was completely against Will in the first episode, however after giving him a chance they became the best of friends.

Will: Anyone can be your friend. All you have to do is hang around them long enough.

5. There is such a thing as 'too jazzy'. 
This may be one of my favourite Inbetweeners moments of all time - when the boys are shopping for suits for their school's Christmas disco and all the shop attendant, Mr Sethi, can say is 'too jazzy?'. Turns out, there is such a thing...and velvet suits are a massive no-no. 

Will: I'm not too sure about the lapels.
Mr Sethi: Too jazzy?
Will: They are a little too jazzy, yes.

Something a little different for a Sunday afternoon giggle.



  1. haha loved this post, love the Inbetweeners
    I am sooooo sarcastic but people find it annoying especially my partner hehe and I deffo agree with always being there for your friends xox

  2. Inbetweeners is hands down one of my favourite programmes hahaha!

  3. Inbetweeners is hilarious and this is such an original post (I've not seen anything like it at least.) The Gig and Girlfriend episode is my all time favourites "I'm not being dramatic but I think I might be dead!"

    Heather x

    1. thanks for reading! I can't even narrow it down to a favourite ep! I honestly love them all! xo


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