Saturday, 1 November 2014

Weekend Away Skincare.

Some of us - if not all of us - at some point or another, have gone away for the weekend. Whether it's for a birthday (I spent the weekend in Newcastle for my 21st), visiting loved ones or a getaway with your other half. We all do it. 
During these 2 day (or occasionally 3 if we're lucky) excursions, it's important to still take care of your skin - especially if you're going to be drinking. 
I like to keep a few key bits on hand should I be venturing anywhere that isn't my own home.

I'm more than fully aware of the age-old beauty rule of never using face wipes, however since a weekend is only a couple of days it's not going to do much damage to your skin. As much as people may hate them, they are easy and are perfect for that quick morning cleanse just to get all the sweat off from sleeping. I like to use the Simple Cleansing Facial Wipes - I find these one don't dry my skin out nearly as much as other brands and they're usually on some sort of offer at Boots/Superdrug.
I also like to bring a cleansing balm with me to rid my face of any makeup I'm wearing during the day and for that The Body Shop's Camomile Sumptuous Cleansing Butter does the job brilliantly. It clears my face of all traces of makeup whilst keeping it soft at the same time. The gentleness of a cleansing balm really does make a huge difference to your skin - I recommend trying one out if you haven't already. 
I know it's probably a little strange to bring a face mask on a 2 day adventure but this one can be used as an overnight moisturiser too - besides I thought it'd be a good call to bring a hydrating mask since I'd be taking face wipes. Superdrug's Vitamin E Moisture Mask is absolutely amazing. It smells delicious and works like a dream, you just slather it on and let it sink in. A much cheaper - and fabulous dupe - version of Origins' Drink Up Intensive. 
My eye cream is something I couldn't live without, even if it was for only 2 days. I use the Simple Regeneration Age-Resisting eye cream. I have a very dry under-eye area and concealer can look awful and cakey if I don't keep it hydrated, and this stuff does the job to my satisfaction. It also contains green tea goodness to fight premature ageing. You can never start too early ladies.
My daily moisturiser is the Simple Hydrating Light moisturiser. It's gentle on my skin and keeps any flaky areas at bay. It doesn't leave the skin feeling tacky or looking greasy in any way, shape or form. I've been using this stuff for years. A must for anyone with sensitive skin. 
I then have my Nivea Lip Butter in Raspberry Rose, I'd bring this as a mostly overnight treatment since I gravitate more towards lipstick on an everyday basis. It's great for hydrating the lips and ridding them of any flakiness and it smells heavenly. I've yet to come across a Nivea lip butter I didn't think smelled simply delightful.
I would also bring a flannel for obvious reasons. I'd need one to get the balm off at night and they work well for any makeup spillages or mishaps in the mornings. I get mine in bulk from Wilko's since they're only 33p but I think Primark do 3 for £1. Every time I go in I pick up about 4/5. I have a drawer at home heaving with them.

To finish off, I'm not saying you need to take all - if any - of these things with you on a weekend voyage. Your skin may be in completely different shape to mine so take what you're comfortable with and works well for you. These are just stepping stones should you need a little guidance. 



  1. Definitely need to check some of these out!

    Skin and Roses

  2. I just bought the Superdrug moisture mask yesterday I am still to try it my face hands and lips get so dry well they are already so I need products like this . Great post followed you on Twitter xox

    1. thank you!! it's really good for hydrating the skin! xo

  3. Simple moisturiser is so so good, I love it for traveling as it's so light and doesn't leave my skin feeling clogged :)

    Heather x


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