Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Rainy Day Rescues.

Let's face it, rain is probably a girl's worst enemy. It makes your hair frizz, your makeup run and soaks you to the bone. I forgot my brolly on my way home from school once and got home with my hair literally wrapped around my face and mascara down to my chin. Not fun or attractive. 
Rain has been coming down fast and hard in Manchester over the last few days and it just puts me off doing anything. I'd rather shuffle into my onesie, stick on a season of The O.C. and make it a duvet day.
Unfortunately, it isn't acceptable to phone in sick at work stating 'but it's raining though...'.
I, like most other people, still have to venture into the torrential downpour so I thought I'd share with you some of the necessities I like to crack out when the weather is having a bit of a bad day - or as we used to call it in school...God taking a shower.

Wellies or rain-boots. Where would any of us be without these? we'd have dirty, wet feet at festivals for one. Wellies are essential for me on rainy days, especially if I know I'm going to be outside for the majority of it (if I'm inside I'll take a spare pair of shoes in my bag). You can pick wellies up at pretty much any shop for great prices in really cool designs. I got mine from Matalan a couple of years ago now and I love them. 
This may seem obvious but an umbrella is vital. If it's more of a 'bent forward at a 45 degree angle just to get anywhere' kind of day, then I recommend investing in a stronger one - like golf umbrellas. My Dad has a vast collection of golf umbrellas that I occasionally like to dip into if it seems that flying to work might actually be an option. However for everyday use, I like to keep one of those collapsible ones in my handbag just in case I get caught in any suddenly. Even if the wind does pick up, it's better to have a crappy umbrella than no umbrella at all.
As far as makeup goes for rainy days, try and keep your products as cream-based and as lightweight as possible. They last longer for starters and are less inclined to leave trail marks should the rain hit you in the chops. BB creams are a good option as well as cream blushes and waterproof eyeliners. And I thoroughly recommend bringing out the waterproof mascara for such occasions. Aint nobody got time for the panda-eyed look. 



  1. i agree with the makeup advise! i hate feeling like my makeup is just being completely washed off my face in the rain! id love it if youd comment back http://www.amyelizabethfashion.com/2014/10/modelling-with-motel-rocks.html xx

  2. Nice, great products


  3. Great advice, I keep getting soaked in the rain and completely ruining my makeup!


  4. Hey i nominated you for the Liebster Award
    for the rules please check out my blog :*


I read through all comments and reply as quickly as I can! so make sure to check back! :)