Thursday 30 October 2014

My Sick Day Saviours.

So I didn't blog yesterday and I've gotta tell you guys, it's probably one of the weirdest things I've ever experienced. I've posted consistently everyday (sometimes twice) since the end of honestly feels like I've been away for years, not 24 hours.
Anyway, reflection time over, today I'm coming at you with my sick day heroes. Things that I just can't seem to be without whenever I'm ill and a duvet day is more than called for.

First up is a soft blanket. This one's from Matalan and I absolutely love it. I don't always like actually being in bed and under the covers so a blanket is the perfect compromise - I'm not twisted up in my quilt but I'm covered if I fall asleep. Winner.
Next up is a good brew. You can't beat a good cup of tea when you're feeling less than stellar. I like mine on the strong side with 3 sugars - I know, it's a wonder I have any teeth left. 
Then we have The Inbetweeners boxset. I honestly don't think I could live without this in my life - it may be my favourite telly show ever. Even before Prison Break and The O.C. (insert shocked emoji face here). Even though I've seen every episode about 25 times each, it still manages to make me pretty much wet myself every time I watch it. I can't even narrow it down to a favourite episode - they're all absolutely hilarious. If you've never watched The Inbetweeners what are you doing with your life?! 
Buy it, borrow it, steal it - it's a must-watch.
I like to have my notebook with me all the time - you never know when inspiration will hit and it's handy to have something to jot your ideas down in. I carry mine with me everywhere because everything I do can potentially be blogged about. I like to work on ideas when I'm not doing much with my day, it's useful to dedicate time to actually thinking out posts. It's great when you're stuck for ideas - you can just have a flick through and pick something out. In a weird way it's kind of like shopping for a whole new outfit when you have nothing to wear.
I guess a candle isn't a necessity for a sick day but it makes me feel better to have the warm aroma of Yankee Candle's Vanilla Frosting filling my nostrils than vapour rub. 

A few things I like to have when I'm feeling a little under the weather which come (proper) Winter will be be more often than not. I also like to have my cat around so I can force all my cuddles upon her but she wouldn't sit still long enough for me to take the picture. She's such a diva...I knew I should've called her Beyonce. 



  1. I don't know why but I love reading sick day posts haha (am I the only one here?!). My day pretty much consists of the same thing! I've really got to get into watching the Inbetweeners, I've only ever seen the movies but I did love them. I also force all of my affection onto my cat haha (she's a diva as well!) x

    Angela | The Sunday Chapter

    1. I like reading them too! you NEED to watch the tv series, it's absolutely hysterical! I think all cats are divas! you know what they say - dogs have owners, cats have staff. hahah! xo

  2. I agree with all of these things making the 'sick day' that bit more bearable. I love the Inbetweeners too, I honestly couldn't pick a favourite episode either.

    Oh I know you already follow me on Bloglovin but as I've changed my URL it stupidly won't link my new blog posts so can you follow I know it's a pain arghh.

    Kirsty X


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