Friday, 7 August 2015

Get The Look: PLL's Hanna Marin.

By now we all know my totally irrational infatuation with Pretty Little Liars
This show has pretty much consumed my life for the past 5/6 months - it would've been longer if I wasn't such a binge-watcher - and next week is the mid-season finale, bringing the Liars and the PLL Army face to face (FINALLY!) with -A.
Season 6 up to now has been a total whirlwind of more questions, sort-of answers and a handful of new characters that all have the potential to be the girls' tormentor.
If you don't already watch this show - GET ON IT. It's fab.

Ok, onto the actual makeup look. 
Ashley Benson is my spirit animal and ultimate girl crush - as you can see, I'm already a huge fan of the Hanna 'do. Everything about Ashley is just...ahhh so I thought I'd make her character 'Hanna Marin' the focus of this month's 'Get The Look'.

I started off by prepping my skin with a mixture of Benefit's Porefessional (£24.50) and Rimmel's Stay Matte Primer (£5.99) - Hanna's skin always looks flawless, and although her complexion is glowy it's rarely dewy.
I then focused on getting a bit of glow back into my skin so I used Maybelline's Fit Me Foundation (£7.99) as it tends to give a subtle glow rather than full-on dew. 
After blending all of that in, I moved on to concealer. Hanna's skin isn't incredibly highlighted so I used my Makeup Revolution Cover & Conceal Palette (£6.00) to cover any blemishes and redness, taking a little under the eyes to hide any dark circles.
Hanna isn't usually seen sporting a strong contour or highlight, so I've kept mine quite subtle too for this look using the Illamasqua Sculpting Powder Duo in Illuminate & Nefertiti (£27.00). I just need to carve out a bit of cheekbone and add a delicate glow. 
For blush, I used NYX's Mauve (£6.00) to create a similar flush to the one Hanna usually wears. I love this blush, it lasts all day and is really pigmented.
I, of course, powdered with my all time fave - Bourjois' Healthy Balance Powder (£8.99). The best at the drugstore for keeping shine at bay and setting makeup into place.
Moving onto the eyes, Hanna's frequently seen sporting some shade of brown on the lids and an eyeliner-ed waterline. I first used MAC's Paint Pot in Groundwork (£16.00) as a base so my eyeshadows last all day and then applied a thin layer of Milky from my Makeup Revolution Naked Chocolate Palette (£7.99) to my lids and also ran it along the lower lashline, blending it as I went. I lined my waterline with Rimmel's Waterproof Kohl Kajal in Taupe (£2.64), Hanna usually wears black but because my eyes are so dark black can look a little harsh on me so I went with taupe instead. 
To finish off the eyes, I added a fair few coats of Maybelline's Classic Volume Express Waterproof Mascara (£4.99) to my top and bottom lashes after a few quick curls.
For those strong Hanna Brows, it had to be my Makeup Revolution Ultra Brow Kit (£7.99) that I used to create them. I use this brow kit everyday to get amazing brows, it's lasted ages and I haven't even hit pan on any of the powders yet. I used the second darkest shade to get brows similar to Hanna's.
For lips, Hanna likes to keep it simple with a customary rosy pink lip so I went with Rimmel's Moisture Renew Lipstick in Vintage Pink (£6.49) - adding a thin layer and working it in to the lips until it became almost stain-like.

Hanna's look is great for an everyday makeup look, and to be honest is very similar to my own. That's one of things I love about Pretty Little Liars, the girls hair and makeup and even most of their outfits are completely achievable on a non-Hollywood budget.
As much as I loved Gossip Girl and The O.C., the same just couldn't be said.


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