Friday, 14 November 2014

Define & Conquer.

Now this little blighter has been in my 'pick ups' note on my phone for the longest time but it's always managed to evade me whenever I specifically look for it. Don't get me wrong, there was always tons of the 'medium' shade but never any of the 'fair'...story of my life.
Anyway, by chance I had to return a top for my Mum last week and ended up - accidentally on purpose - slipping into Boots. 
And there it was...the product that had eluded capture for so long. I snatched it up so quick I think the lady looking at the lipsticks next to me felt a breeze. There was only one left in the shade 'fair' guys, I wasn't going home without it!
I've been using the Seventeen Define & Conquer Contour kit ever since.
I'll be honest, I don't think it's the best contour colour for pale skin - there's definitely better ones on the market - but it isn't too orange or too muddy that it can't be made to work. 
It's very pigmented so only the tiniest bit is needed to create that shadow beneath the cheekbones , a good point since it's bound to last for quite a while this way. 
I've not gotten much use out of the lighter-coloured powder yet, only that it's good to set my under-eye concealer. 
So far, I've been enjoying incorporating it into my makeup routine and it's serving it's purpose well. The packaging is very Nars-like, sturdy and doesn't seem easily breakable. The clasp is strong so it's not going to come apart and spill all over your makeup bag - extra points for travel-friendliness. 
And for £5.99, there's nothing much to really complain about. I think it's more than worth it and it's a complete steal.



  1. Iv seen this in boots and not picked it up. I really want to though! x
    Emma | Emmys Blog

    1. I'd definitely recommend giving it a go! xo

  2. This product looks lovely! Might just get it when I drop by the UK.

    I hope you'll check out my Skincare Beauty Blog as well!

    1. you should! oh, I'll be sure to check it out! :) xo


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