Friday 21 November 2014

BBW - How to be high street Savvy.

Shopping on the high street can be a downright nightmare - especially when it comes to makeup. You have other people not budging over enough for you to get a look in, the tester-hoggers (and lack of for that matter) and my personal favourite, the ones who hover until you're forced to put down whatever product you're holding because they simply can't just look at something else other than what's in your hand at that very moment.
Like I said...nightmare.
But don't worry, there are ways to beat the great drugstore depression and I've compiled a few to make sure you're going home with a bag of goodies you actually want without spending a small fortune.

Just because something's on offer doesn't mean you have to buy it.
Ok, I'll hold my hands up and say I'm guilty of taking advantage of Boots' 3 for 2 offers on more than one occasion. However, just because you've picked up four things doesn't mean you have to pick up an extra two just because you'll be getting one free. 
Do you really need that 8th eyeliner if you've still got four unused ones in your stash back home?...Know when to say no.

Make a list.
I find this helpful when I've got to pick up specifics, say I've ran out of foundation *snorts* or shower gel. I'll write down everything I need to pick up in either my notebook or the notes appy thingy on my phone. It makes for easy shopping when you know what you're after and also aids in the saving of pennies every now and again.

Honestly, the amount of times I've gone shopping with my Mum and I've picked up the wrong foundation shade or forgotten something because she's rushed me isn't countable. Non-makeup lovers don't - and probably never will - understand the insatiable need to peruse the aisles of Boots for hours. This is something I tend to to do either by myself or with a like-minded friend nowadays, just because I hate being rushed when it comes to picking stuff out. Whether it takes a minute or an hour, don't leave until you're completely satisfied.

Read reviews.
There are tons of blogs/youtube channels out there on the internet - surely there's at least one that's done a review on that palette you've been wanting for so long?!
Nowadays I rarely buy anything that I haven't read a review on at some point. I like to read a few just so I can't get a range of opinions rather than reading one and believing that person's opinion. 
Product reviews are written for a reason - use them.

Be sure to swatch.
Never buy anything you're going to be potentially putting on your face unless you've swatched it first. That old school routine of 'oh, this one's got a pretty name I'll go for that' just doesn't fly anymore. Same with products like blush and eyeshadow - imagine buying it and getting it home only to find the formulation's crap and the pigmentation is shoddy at best? nothing's more disappointing. 
Even if you've got an armful of colours, swatch until you can swatch no more.

Today marks the last post of Budget Beauty Week and I've got to say how much I've really enjoyed doing themed weeks. I may do more of them in the future.
Thanks for reading.



  1. I always fail at the "take your time" thing because the salesladies in drugstores always nag at me to buy this or that. They can't leave me alone to decide and I hate it, and that's why I always end up buying the wrong make up or not buying anything at all!

    Life With Antlers

    1. I feel you girl! just tell them you're fine and you're just looking, they'll soon leave :) xo

  2. I agree! I always make a list if i go to boots otherwise i buy everything that i didnt need and nothing i did need! x
    Emma | Emmys Blog


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