Wednesday, 26 November 2014

4 tools every beauty enthusiast needs.

As a beauty and makeup obsessive, there's always a few things that I pretty much use on a daily basis. 
These tools - I believe - are ones that every girl should have in her beauty arsenal. No doubt you'll find countless ways to use them just like I do.

Face Wipes
I don't care what anybody else says, every girl needs a packet of face wipes - especially as a beauty blogger with all the makeup looks and the swatching. They're great for any spillages, giving something a quick once-over (like shoes for example) and for the lazy day cleanse. Don't lie, you've all done it at least once.

A blending brush
I tend to buy blending brushes by the bucket load - I'm really not a fan of brush cleaning so I put it off for as long as possible, even though when it eventually comes to cleaning them I've made more work for myself. It's a vicious circle. 
This one's by far my fave and you can find it here - it's a pretty good dupe for the MAC 217 and blends out eyeshadows like a dream.

I use tweezers for a number of things - from keeping my brows in check to applying falsies. Even though investing in a good pair can be great for the long run, as long as they do the job I don't think you need to spend a small fortune on a metal contraption designed to prevent a monobrow.

Eyelash curlers
Another obvious one really. Curling your lashes before applying mascara can make the world of difference to your overall makeup look. It opens them further and makes you look that little bit less tired. Heat them a little before use and you'll have a curl that lasts all day. 



  1. I never curl my lashes and face wipes tend to irritate my skin, but I definitely agree on the absolute necessity of having tweezers and a good blending brush :-)

  2. I need a new blending brush and think i might need to splurge out on one! x
    Emma | Emmys Blog

    1. I've always wanted the MAC 217 but whenever I go I can never justify it! xo

  3. Great post! I really agree with the eyelash curlers! Really makes a difference! Xx

  4. Great post! Everyone needs a good blending brush!

    Missmacbeauty | Missmacbeauty


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