Sunday 19 October 2014

One Lovely Blog Award.

So I've been nominated for the One Lovely Blog Award by Erin from PetiteErin - go check out her blog, it's fab - and since I haven't done this one before I thought I'd give it a go. So thank you Erin for nominating me, much appreciated.

Here we go then...


You must display the award logo at the top of the post.
You must thank the blogger who nominated you and leave a link to their blog.
You must add this set of rules to the post.
You must add 7 facts about you.
You must nominate 15 other blogs and leave links to each. 
You must let your nominees know.
You must follow back the blogger who nominated you on GFC and/or Bloglovin.

7 Facts;

1. My favourite food is definitely pizza. I can't go a week without eating it.
2. I rarely watch tv, and when I do I only watch the Crime Investigation channel. True story.
3. I truly believe my car is like Herbie and I never want to get rid of him.
4. Buses and video games give me motion sickness. 
5. If I could receive anything in the world as a gift, it would be a segway.
6. My favourite season is Winter.
7. My Mum didn't believe in age restrictions on films - so I grew up watching horrors with my older brother. Probably explains why it's my favourite genre of movie - and why I have a mild fear of the dark.

My nominees;

And that's a wrap!



  1. Congrats on the nomination! Pizza is my favourite too yummmm

    Salt and Chic // UK Fashion Blog

  2. Those Maybelline color tattoos are great!

    1. they really are! one swipe and you're good to go! xo

  3. Thanks for the nomination! Good call on the segway... xx


I read through all comments and reply as quickly as I can! so make sure to check back! :)