Sunday, 14 May 2017

I'm officially a Sandals Convert...

So if you ask anyone that knows me, they'll tell you, straight up - Lauren doesn't wear sandals.
Since being a small child, I've never liked sandals. I was always more at home in a pair of trainers, and as I've gotten older those trainers became Doc Martens and heeled boots. I don't know what it was. Maybe the fact that sandals always seemed to give me blisters or that my feet used to slip and slide all over the place, maybe it was the sheer laziness of never wanting to paint my toenails or possibly it was my strange aversion to feet. 
Either way, I never even owned a pair much less wear them.

However, this summer I made a pact to myself that I would start wearing more summery shoes. It's getting a little silly that I'm 24 years old now and I'm still wearing socks and boots when it's hot out. If we're being honest, it makes me look pretty silly too. 
so watching one of Lily Melrose's most recent Boohoo haul, she bought these - the Saskia Peeptoe Mule Sandal. I don't know if it was the sheer simpleness of the shoe or the punchy orange colour, but I fell in love with them when I saw them. I immediately ordered a pair and was pleasantly surprised by how comfy they were. I went to work on their first outing and they didn't rub me once, nor are there any blisters in sight. I do struggle to wear them with anything other than an all black outfit but incorporating colour into my otherwise monochrome wardrobe is a topic for another time.
The second pair of sandals I also adore is this pair from H&M - sadly, they don't seem to be currently stocked on the website but they are most definitely in stores. Now I'll be honest, H&M shoes and I tend to have a love/hate relationship. I either love them and can't get enough of them, or they rub me terribly to a point where I bury them under my bed never to be seen again. Fortunately, this pair fall into the former.
They have yet to rub me or give me blisters when I've worn them and the simple yet somewhat different design add a little something something to any outfit. Not to mention the neutral black colour means you can wear them with pretty much anything. 
I'll be teaming these with my beloved ripped skinny's and a leather jacket, or maybe a cute dress when the sun really comes out.

I'll be honest and say that I'm actually pretty pleased for convincing myself to buy sandals. I've come to realise, in retrospect, boots and socks in warm weather actually aren't a good mix and it gives me a great excuse to use my mountain of nail polish since I now wear acrylics on my fingers. 


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