Monday, 16 March 2015

Shower Time Body Care.

I think the shower is a place where people usually skimp on the skincare front. Customarily, showers are reserved for deep thought and self reflection - but there's no harm in making one of those profound contemplations about in-shower body care. 
Now I love a good body scrub. They're great for getting rid of any rough patches and come Summer, are a permanent fixture in my shower due to copious amounts of self-tan. The Body Shop's scrubs are the bomb diggity but sometimes it's hard to justify spending £13.00 on one, so I prefer to go a little cheaper. Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Cocoa Body Scrub is great at getting rid of dry skin and costs £4.99, but it's usually on some sort of offer at Boots or Superdrug. 
Soap & Glory is my favourite brand when it comes to body washes. Their body washes are creamy and delicious and most of them tend to have built in moisturisers too. What's not to love?
The Clean Girls Body Wash has been my shower gel of choice lately. It softens the skin whilst simultaneously making you smell like a cupcake and you get a huge bottle for £6.50. Soap & Glory is amazing value for money. 
To look after my face I like to use anti blemish products as my skin can be rather spot prone due to it's oily nature. Nightmare, I know. The St. Ives Blemish Fighting Apricot Scrub has been my go-to face scrub for ages now. It works well, smoothing my skin and reducing spots and it's cheap. 
To finish off, The Body Shop's Tea Tree Cool & Creamy Wash helps keep my skin squeaky clean whilst invigorating and refreshing my complexion. I've really noticed a different in the amount of spots I've been getting since using this. For only £5.00, I'll definitely be repurchasing this. 



  1. Nice choices! I feel like taking a shower now lol

  2. I love the cocoa body scrub, great choices x
    Emma | Emmys Blog

  3. I need to pick up that St Ives scrub - I don't think I've ever read a single bad word about it and you can't go wrong for that price :) xx

    Magpie Jasmine

  4. I love cocoa butter, but I had no idea they had a scrub! I'll have to try that out! Also, don't you just love the smell of tea tree?! I've never tried the kind by Body Shop, but I've had some tea tree shampoo and I loved the smell!
    xo, Lauren-lee

    1. It's a great scrub! I actually do love the smell of tea tree! It's so refreshing, especially in the morning! xo


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