Monday, 16 February 2015

A note on Personal Style.

Photo Credit: Google Images.

Personal style is something that really intrigues me when it comes to fashion. 
It's interesting for me to see how a handful of people - all with different dress sense - can take a garment of clothing and make it aesthetically pleasing to them. 
Take the bralet for example - give it to someone cute and girly and they'll pair it with a midi skirt and a pair of killer heels. Give it to someone with a more grungy flair to their style and they might pair it with leather trousers and a bomber jacket. 
The possibilities are endless when it comes to fashion and style. 
I like to pull inspiration from far and wide when I think about how I want to dress myself. If you were to ask the people that know me the best they'd probably say (on a day to day basis) I dress in a somewhat unkempt, grungy fashion. And this is true. I like to wear my hair in messy waves and I like to wear alot of black. My outfit of choice would be ripped jeans and a jumper with some sort of platformed boot for footwear.
As for jewellery, it doesn't really differ much. I prefer layering chunkier pieces and lots of rings. 
I do, however, like to dress a little differently when I'm going out. I actually love the midi skirt/cropped top trend even though it's the complete opposite end of the spectrum to my usual design. There's something very classy about it, I'd happily wear Ariana Grande's outfit from the above picture. 
Miley Cyrus circa 2012 is another big influence for me, her style has changed drastically since then but her rocky panache 3 years ago was on point. She too favoured band tees and jeans over girly dresses. Miley during this time was actually the sway that convinced me to cut my hair and turn it ombre. 
The Olsen twins are forever my style inspo's. I just love that boho vibe they've both got going on. Bedhead waves are their hairstyle of choice and both are rarely seen in flats - girls after my own heart, these two. 
I also love the style of the Jenner sisters - more Kylie, than Kendall I'd have to say. Kylie has that whole grunge look going on whilst Kendall prefers to dress more girly. When it comes to casual style, Kylie trumps Kendall in my books but vice versa when it comes to walking the red carpet. Kendall's glam look is top notch. 

I think it's important to develop your own aesthetic when it comes to fashion. If you like how something looks but your friends don't, that's cool and if your friends like something that you don't, then that's cool too. Fashion is all about give and take and dressing for you is what matters most. Fashion is constantly evolving and what might be in this season probably won't be the next, but that's not important - what is important is to pull influences from all trends that fit your fashion mould. 
As Coco Chanel once said..."Fashion Changes, but Style endures".


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